Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Revelation most often comes when we are on the move!

When we have a sincere desire to share the gospel with others, and when we have sought divine assistance in our efforts, what should we do? How do we proceed? We begin by beginning. We should not wait for a further invitation from heaven. Revelation comes most often when we are on the move.
- Dallin H. Oaks, Gen Conf 10/2002

1 comment:

Reid Robison said...

Citing the example from D&C 136 where the Saints were given the revelation known as the word and the will of the Lord to guide the movement of Saints across the plains (Jan 14, 1847), Elder Oaks teaches that promptings of the Spirit come when we do everything we can, when we are out in the sun working rather than sitting back int eh shade praying for direction on the first step.