Saturday, August 15, 2015

Never Delay A Prompting

As he prepared to go home on Thursday evening, Aug. 16, President Monson commented to his secretary that he felt prompted to visit a friend who had been in his ward’s teachers quorum when young Tom Monson was the quorum’s president. He had learned just that day that his friend had gone into a care center and, although nothing had been said about his friend’s condition, he felt he ought not delay making the visit.
At the care center, President Monson realized that his friend’s hours on earth were limited. With one of the man’s sons assisting, he gave a blessing. The next morning, Aug. 17, President Monson received news that his friend had passed away.
“Never delay a prompting,” said President Monson during a Church News interview just an hour or so after he learned of his friend’s death. “When you honor a prompting, and then stand back a pace, you realize that the Lord gave you the prompting. It makes me feel good that the Lord even knows who I am, and knows me well enough to know that if He has an errand to be run and He prompts me to run the errand, the errand will get done. That’s the testimony of my life.” (President Monson, Church News, August 15, 2015)

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