"Why not, therefor, take full advantage of the answers contained in the tutoring questions and their emerging and instructive one-liners from the Lord?" (Neal A. Maxwell, Men & Women of Christ, Chapter 9)
“Remembering and counting our many blessings can humble us by ..... questions and their emerging and instructive one-liners from the Lord? --also from Elder Maxwell.
My name is Reid Robison. I served a three year mission with my wife for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Caribbean and then two years in Africa. As a young man, I was a missionary in France. I subscribe to the teachings of the past and living prophets of our church and believe that their counsel can enrich our lives. On this blog, I share my favorite one-line sermons (or paragraph) and those of my family members.
The Power of a One-Liner
There will also be several one-liners whose durability reflects their brevity. (Neal A Maxwell)
1 comment:
“Remembering and counting our many blessings can humble us by ..... questions and their emerging and instructive one-liners from the Lord?
--also from Elder Maxwell.
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